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Preparing for Plastic Surgery

The professionals at Newport Center for Special Surgery will guide you every step of the way before, during, and after your cosmetic surgery.  Always follow your surgeon's specific pre-op instructions. Your surgeon's instructions may differ from these general guidelines depending on your individual health concerns and specific procedure. As such, here are a few general rules to help you get ready for your plastic surgery.  


Always let your surgeon know if you develop a cough, cold, or any change in your medical condition before surgery.  When in doubt, call your surgeon. 


Schedule a one-on-one preoperative visit with your personal Newport Center for Special Surgery anesthesiologist in advance of your surgery. This is to go over your medical history and review your pre-op plans so that your surgery goes as smoothly as possible.

Post Operation

Advanced Recovery After Surgery

Our goal at Newport Center for Special Surgery is to get you back to your normal routine as soon as possible after your plastic surgery procedure.  Each surgery has its unique post-op instructions which your surgeon will review with you. Always follow your surgeon's specific instructions. There are a few general instructions that help you reduce risks of complications after surgery. 


Walking is good.  In general, we want you to walk at least 5 minutes every hour after surgery. This may help reduce the risk of blood clots in the legs after surgery, and can greatly reduce your post operative discomfort.  If your are laying down, sit up first, and stay sitting a minute or two before getting up to avoid dizziness. 


Keep the surgical area dry.  Don't take a shower until the surgeon says it is OK. Tap water is full of germs and can cause a wound infection.   Keep any dressings or garments dry.   It is generally OK to wipe garments on the outside with hydrogen peroxide if they are stained.  Don't take a dressing off unless instructed by the surgeon. It is OK to use a washcloth to wipe off any residual sterilizing solution on areas outside the dressing. 


Avoid contact with sick people and avoid crowded public places following your surgery, since your immune system needs all the help it can get.


Keep the surgery area elevated if possible. This reduces blood pressure in the surgical area, and limits swelling and bruising. Keeping your head higher than your heart, such as by lying in a recliner chair, is critical for face lift and blepharoplasty procedures. 


A good cough every 15 minutes for the first 8 hours after surgery helps clear your lungs and promotes improved oxygenation to your body. While coughing is generally a good idea, with delicate facial, eye or neck surgery, you may be instructed not to cough hard.  

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